happy new year, everyone! i hope it's treated you well so far...i'm starting mine off strong with a new living space!

i've been wanting to move out of my old place for some time now...between mold and pest problems and a shady property management team that always took too long to respond to our pleas for help curbing the aforementioned mold and pests, it was about time to find somewhere else to go. i found a nice 2-bedroom to share with a roommate not too far from the previous apartment, thankfully, and we've just spent the last few days moving in and cleaning up. it's a lot of work, but well-worth the effort!

i'll miss some aspects of the old place...it had some outdoor space that i was using to garden, and where i could watch the local critters from the window - a family of raccoons lives in the tree behind the building, and we've also had a resident skunk and several squirrels visit! not to even mention the plethora of birds and the local cats! it was also a lovely neighborhood perfect for walking, and i enjoyed taking walks to the local coffeeshop or the grocery store through quiet, green streets.

at the same time, i'm very excited about this new apartment! i'll finally be able to set up the lofted bed i built over the past year, and i can't wait to figure out how to decorate and arrange this space to make it truly home! i'll also have space again to properly set up my work desk, and i wanna make as much time as i can for creating this year - my art and craft supplies hoard needs to be trimmed down a bit is what i learned from moving! X'3

i'm not sure what else the future holds from here, but here's to hoping there's a good outcome for each of us as we weave our way through life over the next year!